How about possible enhancements to the ship?Well, how many players do you have? The 3 crew quarters are each relatively large. Likely make the hyperdrive a little busted, perhaps drop it a catagory.Īny able to think of anything else on the negative side? Revamp the Port Cargo area and turn it into 3 rooms, combine the existing port living quarters into 1, and combine the refresher / living quarters on the starboard side into a larger refresher. Remove the double laser canons, but leave the mount for it, so they can outfit it when they have the cash / time. Modifications I'm proposing to do before they every touch it. Okay, I've "fallen in love" with the Ghtroc 720 I've got access to all 3 SAGA Edition books. I need to find a way to get non-jedi into the mix.Īny input that you feel would help is welcome. They'd get a ship pretty much immediately, which I'd need to define (nothing great, kinda a junker) either as Jedi or "support personel" like pilots or soliders or whatever. I would be forcing class right off the bat. I don't currently have a reason for a NPC Jedi Master to go on a field trip with some apprentices. Actual start of the campaign, running from the Imperials, assisting other jedi, trying to learn the whole Jedi thing without a master. Order 66 happens and everything goes to hell forcing the Pc's to bail from the situation right quick. They'd also have a small contingent of clone troopers. Essentially some sort of mission with a NPC Jedi master and some lesser jedi First adventure occurs just before / during Order 66. I'll post it in point form to to expedite getting my ideas into a forum post. I've got an idea that I need help fleshing out.