Springer/breakbarrel gun (Yes, nitro piston/gas ram (NOT CO2) works too, and you guys with gas systems, you can beat the hell out of your "spring" since it is just air, but you may damage seals. You will need: Peanut oil or vegetable oil.The primary fire from this weapon is automatically bound to mouse0, this will fire a shot which does low damage and has near unlimited range, this is enough to kill the weakest enemy in one shot. The pistol is given to the player on level 0-1 on a pedestal at the beginning of the level Pistol Variant 1. In real life, tear gas is generally considered to be a non-lethal weapon, but in the world of Grand Theft Auto, it is anything but.Granted, it does take prolonged exposure to the gas to kill, but in confined spaces, this can be arranged. Once it's out of the gun it expands in all directions and is harmless, but if a human skull is pressed directly to the barrel. This massive amount of gas comes shooting out of the gun very fast.For example, bird shot is long known to not typically cause lethal wounds to bipedal mammals at short. While true that one can argue that the “effective” range of the shotgun is low compared to a rifle, it does largely depend on the ammunition and sighting system used. The lowly scatter-gun is often thought of as only a close-range weapon.Gas tubes, barrels, receivers, side mounts, and optics can all be replaced to create your perfect angel of death, a weapon of war tailored to your every desire.